Healing Sessions

You may be an energy healing devotee, you may be feeling sceptical, or you may be somewhere in between, but the beauty of healing is that it works either way! If you are willing to try healing, you don’t have to ‘believe’ in it to gain the benefits. If you are curious about whether healing can help you bring balance to you and your life, why not try it and see?

Here are some frequently asked questions, but if you have a question about healing and healing sessions that isn’t answered here please contact me, I will be happy to help.

There is more information about healing on The Healing Trust’s website.

I offer healing sessions in my home healing room, but can also travel to you and set up a healing space in your home. I also take appointments for distance healing which can take place over Zoom or Whatsapp video call. Visit my appointments page for more information.

  • Healers are trained to attune and connect to source energy and channel it to the client for their highest good. This energy has many different names – universal life force energy, chi/qi, prana, spirit. People can seek healing for specific reasons/ailments**, or for relaxation, regaining a sense of inner calm and balance to their lives. A healing session is a space that’s held for you by the healer so you can connect to your inner light.

    As human beings, once we are in a state of balance and are tuned into ourselves we can find inside us the particular guidance we need to make change. The wisdom of healing is that everything we need we already have within us; the healer holds the space so the client’s journey can unfold.

    **Healers can never give medical advice, diagnose or claim to cure or treat illnesses. We will always encourage you to have a good relationship with your doctor and recommend you see a doctor for any illnesses/health complaints. We believe that medicine and complementary therapies like healing work very well together.

  • The intention of the healer is to channel healing energy to the client for their highest good, and healers to this by directing energy to the main energy centres of the body (chakras). Chakras are located where main nerve bundles and major organs meet.

    The energy received by the client is used by the body in the way it needs it most at that time, similar to how when you eat food the nutrients from the food are naturally distributed by the body to where they are needed without us being conscious of it.

    The body will always naturally move towards healing if given the right conditions and the healer provides the safe space so that the client’s energy can return to its optimum balance.

    People are often surprised at the amount of research that has been done on healing. Here is a link to a list of just some of the relevant studies and publications.

    The Healing Trust Research Compilation (opens new window)

  • An initial healing session with me lasts approximately 1 hour 30 mins. It’s a longer appointment so that we have time to allow us to get to know each other a little and so you can feel at ease. We will complete a short medical questionnaire, I can explain what will happen in the session and can answer any questions you have.

  • In a healing session I will greet you and show you to my dedicated healing space where you can make yourself comfortable. You will be able to visit the bathroom if you need to and/or have a glass of water.

    Often I have a short chat with clients about how they have been and you can tell me as much or as little as you want to. One of the best things about healing is that it will be delivered to you for your highest good and I do not necessarily need to know what it is you would like help with. Everything in a session is confidential.

    Healing usually takes place on my comfy therapy couch with the client’s eyes closed and without talking, so you can relax fully. The only items that need to be removed for the client’s comfort are shoes and possibly glasses. There can be quiet relaxing music playing if you like, and an aromatherapy candle can be lit if you choose. We will make sure you are very comfortable - some clients like to lie under a blanket, some like an extra pillow here and there. Healing can also happen in a chair, it is entirely up to the client and where you are most at ease.

    Healing uses minimal touch (light touch on the shoulders and feet), or no touch at all, if preferred. I will always ask permission to touch before the healing starts. During healing I will have my hands away from the body (2 – 30cm) mainly over the major energy centres (chakras).

    Healing can be stopped at any time by raising a hand or saying that you’d like it to stop, and at the end I will gently bring you back to full consciousness and ensure you are feeling good and grounded before leaving.

    At the end of a session you’ll have an opportunity to sit quietly, have a drink of water and ask any questions you may have.

  • During a healing session clients report feeling very relaxed, they might have seen colours behind their closed eyes, had a short, passing, mild pain, feel tingles, warmth or cool in different parts of their body. Sometimes they might feel a release of emotion that feels intense but passes through them quickly.

  • Healing sessions take place in my dedicated healing space on the first floor of my home. If needed for accessibility reasons, I can set up a healing space for you on the ground floor. Please ask my about this when booking an appointment.

  • Sessions can be booked by emailing me at innerlight-energyhealing@outlook.com, you can request to book using the webform on the appointments page, call me on the numbers at the bottom of the page or contact me through Facebook.

  • All client information and healing sessions are confidential. Client records are stored securely on paper. Your information is never shared with any third party unless permission is given to do so in writing. Client records are kept for 7 years from the time of your last appointment before being securely disposed of (the time specified by law).

    In an initial session I collect, with the client’s consent, brief personal information such as contact details and the name of your GP, a brief history of major health problems and if there is anything in particular a client is seeking help with. After a session brief notes will be made.

    Clients can request to see their records at any time by request in writing.

  • My healing room is on the first floor of my home which is only accessible via a staircase. There is also one step at the front door to access the house. I can set up my healing space on the ground floor to make healing in my home more accessible, or I can travel to your home and set up a healing space for you if that is where you are most comfortable. Please contact me to discuss how I can meet your accessibility needs.

  • A lot of clients feel peaceful and more connected to themselves after healing. Some feel energised and joyful!

    Sometimes clients can feel more tired than usual at the end of day if they’ve had healing. After a session it is advisable for clients to make time to relax, drink plenty of water and have a good night’s sleep.

    Energy can sometimes accelerate healing and this is known as a healing crisis. This is a short-lived period of more intense symptoms such as tiredness, sometimes nausea or a dull headache which will take it’s natural course over a day or two, after which you will feel much better!

  • No! Many people with specific illnesses or health complaints do seek healers out for help, but you do not need to be sick to benefit from healing. Healing is a great antidote to today’s fast-paced world and could help you keep in balance, reduce the effects of stress and support your personal development.

  • Distance healing is used to treat someone who is not physically present with the healer. In a distance healing session the energy is sent to the client during a video call, phone call appointment or at a prearranged time. Because healing energy behaves in a non-local way it doesn’t matter how far away the recipient is from the practitioner – the treatment is just as effective.

    Distance healing is useful when travelling to a session, for any reason, isn’t possible. Please contact me if you think distance healing could be useful for you.